For an education.
Thanks JWN!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
after all the years i have been here, i have slowly progressed to the point that the bible, god, and all the other religious stuff out there is just plain bullshit!!!
yet when i first came here and was told by some of the members that that is what i would logically come to, i did not believe them, and yet they were right.
i realize that a lot of people on this board have left, or are struggling with themselves or family to leave, yet many still believe.
For an education.
Thanks JWN!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
the bethelites who almost went out with michael jackson in service
the following is a true story.
when she came back with some money she asked michael if he had ever been told that he sure looked like michael jackson.
I saw MJ two different times at the district convention. In fact our seats were about 50 yards away from him. My closest encounter with him was when I was strolling the corridor and he, along with two large black brothers, walked leisurely past me. That is when I realized that MJ wasn't really that tall. I was in Jr. high school then and he wasn't much taller than me.
By the way, this was during the early 80's at Dodger Stadium. We all sat at the club level and the immediate section that he was sitting in were all black brothers and sisters.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i am not the oldest but have 3 years here!
restrangled.. how about you?.
It will be 7 years this fall.
However, I have been lurking for about two years prior.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
thought you'd like to see a few pictures of a book fair in bresil.
brothers there rented a kiosque.
i posted some time ago the american indian set-up in canada, very similar to this one.. has anyone seen these set-ups in other places, other than airports and colleges?.
What is the book being displayed on the shelf underneath the creation book?
The Bible. God's Word or Man's?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
japan had a handful of witnesses after ww 2....this number skyrocketed to 222,912 by 1998!
then something happened.
publisher figures didn't stop, they dropped by thousands over the next decade!.
2008 Yearbook = 3,177 congregations. 2009 Yearbook = 3,177 congregations. No additions, no subtractions. Makes me wonder...
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)this study will set the tone for future-proofing the watchtower society doctrine that their governing body is "the faithful slave" mentioned in parable by jesus in matthew24.. i thought as i read the study article starting on p.20 that the most important thing about this piece is what is missing, what is not said.. the first paragraph sets the tone of what they are trying to convey.. "while giving the composite sign of the last days jesus said, who really is the faithful and discreet slave?".
i believe what they are doing with the opening paragraph is placing the authority and position of "the slave" within the context of the signs of the times thus attempting to validate it.
without mentioning when they became such.. they then say that jesus would "reward" and appoint this slave over all his belongings.
Good points, and I agree that they have been mentioning it (1914) less and less.
Actually, next week's study article in the March 15,2009 Watchtower "Be Vigilant" on pages 15 thru 17 makes significant reference to 1914.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
the number of partaking at the memorial is increasiong.
the usual explanaition is, that the new partaking anointed ones are replacements for the "unfaithfull" previous anionted.. what is confusing me, ... looking at the numbers of newly partaking each year .... , to see how many former anointed ones must have proved uinfaithful .... over 10% each year????
what did they commit?
It just so happens that I did ask an elder in my hall during the week of this year's Memorial about the increase of those partaking.
His answer?
"Of course Jehovah wants to increase the number of anointed as the end draws closer. The more of Christ's brothers there are, the more guidance and support we can get from them as we approach Amageddon's doorstep."
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
my mom just told me the theme of the next special assembly day.
"the time left is reduced!
" now how many times have we heard that?.
The end is so close that I DON'T BUY green bananas!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
For you brothers out there, how about representing the group by praying like this before a meal at a congregation gathering?
"Good bread, good meat, good Lord, Let's Eat!!"
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
what i found that upset elders more than most things was, when you made them verify their statement with scriptural backing.. when you showed their complete lack of common sense coupled with lack of christian knowledge.. on one occasion when having a heated discussion, i constantly made them refer to the org.
book for the answer, they ridiculed me, saying "are you getting your little green book out again".. all i was trying to point out was the answer (according to the society) on the subject at hand, most organisation will have some sort of code of conduct, the little green book was theirs.. they wanted to be right in all things even if it meant going against the org.. kt.
What upsets elders the most?
Christian Freedom!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)